Make It a MISSION!
Jan 3, 4, 5 and 6, let's swarm the voicemails and mailboxes of our representatives!

We Must ACT!
This is a very serious time for our democracy. Our whole future as a nation hangs in the balance. The idea is to get your friends and family excited and involved in contacting their representatives over the weekend.
Remember, our representatives work for us, WE THE PEOPLE. We elect them.
And doesn't it feel like they are treating OUR lives like a game?
So how about having a little competition between friends? Sometimes we need a little push and a little courage to reach out.
What is the MISSION?
Simple: Get your state senators to respond to your call, email, or fax.

Grab some friends and family, and RACE to see who can get an answer first. That’s it.

But let’s add some rules to make it more exciting:
Step1: With a friend or 2 or 5, you can call and write together or on your own, reporting results. Choose what feel best for you.
Step 2: Choose an outing or product from a SMALL BUSINESS as the prize. Plan a meal, a coffee meet, a manicure, a gaming session, craft beer, homemade soap. You name it! Anything, as long as it's family-owned and local.
Choose a small business to support!
Decide on your price range. The "winner" gets treated by the "losers," but make sure it's fair for all and within your price range before you start.

TIP: You may also want to take out some cash to pay for your outing! We’re not here to pay the card companies!
Step 3: Decide the time you are going to start and the time you're going to stop.
Marathon or Sprint? You can decide to do the whole weekend or just a couple hours.
You may want to sit down together in person or over zoom to jam it out, calling or messaging one right after the other. Or perhaps you set a goal of 5 faxes and 5 emails and schedule them through out the day. Take this and make it fun for you.
Step 4; Go over your scripts, take some deep breaths, drink some water and START! Don’t forget to track your attempts and celebrate when you get your response!

Some friends to compete with, or you could compete against yourself
Pen, paper for tracking points
Scripts – pre written or your own
Optional: a scanner app, fax app, timer app, drawing or writing app, text to speech app
We will ALL be winners the more people we can get involved to show our representatives and lawmakers that we care.
That being said, you want to get that burger or matcha latte off your bestie!
The goal is to get a response or acknowledgement that your messages were received, however you may not receive one, so keep track of your attempts.
Here is how the points work:
- Each email or fax sent = 10 points
- Each voicemail left = 10 points
- Each minute over 10 minutes on hold = 5 points (be sure to track with a timer)
- Each form response received = 10 points + 10 points BONUS for the first person to receive one
- Speaking with a live human (an aide) = 30 points (if all members calling + 10 points BONUS for the first person)
- Getting a personalized letter or note = 50 points
- Getting a call from the representative in person or voicemail = 100 points
- Getting Congress to vote against removing the disqualification from DJT = one million, billion points!
You may also assign BONUS points for
Most attempts made over all
Most attempts made in an hour
Most variety in modes of contact
Most facts
Most emotion
Most words
Most pictures
It's not about winning or losing,

it's about ACTING together and hopefully making a change!
If no one in your group receives a response, simply tally up your attempts and points if you decide to use them. It's a completely optional step.
If you end in a draw, just go dutch and support your local business anyway!
Winners and Losers enjoy time together while supporting local, small businesses. Be sure to plug the business of your choice on social media. Reference #14thNOW and #SwarmtheSwamp
Feel free to share your small business choice here. And tell us how the swarming goes.
Get Your Friends Involved!

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