Resource Center

#14thNOW sign for peaceful protest 2025 congress oath
#14thNOW jan 3-5

E- MAIL LISTS has a handy list of email submission form links.

Send a Free FAX!

FaxZero tracks how many faxes have been sent to each representative or senator. *Please note, we are trying to reach the senate at this time. 

You can sent 5 free faxes per day.

fax zero list of calls to senators

WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS! Get these numbers up, Up, UP!

This page has tips, tricks and direct links to YOUR representatives!

Note: Some representatives do not accept faxes.

Alohi is another option for e-faxing, but sign up is required.

lets fax our represntatives

If you are old-school

You may need to do some digging around for the fax numbers.

This resource is out of date and still has Senator John McCain (RIP) listed, but it seems some other people have been there WAY too long.

Research HERE: 

U.S. Senate: Senators

Additional Resources:

Use this list to find your representative's phone number:

118th Congress Suite & Phone List


Or call the switchboard:

U.S. House of Representatives Switchboard is (202) 225-3121

Senate is (202) 224-3121


Or search by Zip Code:

Find Your Members in the U.S. Congress | | Library of Congress


Sample Script and tips:

Fair Courts Toolkit - Call your senator


Phone Sample Script PDF from



Call Hub’s Examples of how to build a script:

All The Tricks To Build A Call Your Representative Script
